Label in focus: Kutie Protocol


I’d like to think I have a social conscience. That although I don’t live a wholey sustainable/eco-friendly life, I try to incorporate it into my daily living and key components of my life where and when possible. For example, when given a choice between organic or non-organic produce I go organic, I’ll choose free range over farmed where possible, I try to support local companies/products and when it comes to clothing I’m not one to shy away from sustainable and organic clothing due to cost. Above all of this however, I love a label with a story! Brands such as Munster and Diesel have all caught my attention due to their good will stories, and now to add to this is an Australian label that is new to me Kutie Protocol.

I’m truly surprised I have not come across this label earlier in my 5 year journey as a mother of boys! There styles are unique, designs are simple yet on trend and they offer a nice selection in boys and girls denim. They also go back to there roots to manufacture their Australian label sourcing fabrics locally and reducing their carbon footprint by avoiding wastage, excess and using recycled water. All you have to do is read their story to at”> to see that they work towards sustainability and at being as eco-friendly as they can throughout the manufacturing process.

Some of my picks are:

Adam & Eve skinny jeans   Adam and Eve Skinny JeansJohn & Yoko biker jacket

       John and Yoko Biker Jacket

Available in Australia, America, Japan, Korea and Online, Kutie Protocol is a must have boys wear label, not only because they have some great designs but that through supporting them we’re supporting their effort to do what they love in an eco-friendly way.

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